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What is Mockcall?

Mockcall offers the ability to make local toll, domestic long distance, and international telephone calls by using either a telephone or a computer. In addition, it offers conference calling (Group Spoofing), call recording and Caller ID Spoofing capability on voice calls.

Can I spoof any number and have it show up on the Caller ID?

For calls to North America, almost any 10 digit number can be used as the caller ID. However, to prevent fraud and other criminal behavior, our servers are programmed not to complete certain calls. For example, our network will prevent the use of calling and spoofing as 911, along with other numbers belonging to law enforcement agencies and financial institutions.

Can I spoof internationally with Mockcall?

Yes, Mockcall offers the ability to make international calls. It's a great way to save on long distance fees. Plus, all of our additional features are included for free, regardless of the destination you're calling!

What number will show up on the phone of the person whom I call?

The number you enter to display on caller ID is the number that will be on their phone. Your personal number will always be protected when using Mockcall.

Can my calls be traced?

No way! There is no way anyone will be able to trace the call. No one will be able to *69 or find out the number that you really dialed from. Mockcall guarantees your anonymity, unless of course you did something so horrible the FBI sends us a subpoena.

Will my real number show up on the phone bill of anyone I called?

When you place a call, the person you contacted will ONLY see the number you displayed. The only number they will EVER see is the one you want them to see.

Is there a way to see my Call history?

Yes! Just head over to Extra and click on Call History to view your call history.

What is your refund policy?

If the service is not working for you or you are unhappy with the service for any reason, submit a ticket and one of our staff members will refund your payment within 24 hours of your purchase no questions asked.

How do I cancel my Mockcall membership?

When you originally signed up for Mockcall, you agreed to an automated billing cycle (either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly). Unless you cancel your subscription, you will continue to be billed indefinitely, and we do not offer refunds - partial or otherwise. You can cancel your membership any time by going to your Extra > General and clicking Cancel Membership (if your account states "in-active", it means it's already been cancelled.)

Is it illegal to spoof a phone number?

The only circumstances in which caller ID spoofing is illegal in the United States is if it has the intention to cause harm in some form. If no harm is intended or caused, spoofing is legal.

Is it safe to use Mockcall?

All your spoofed calls and information will be sent encrypted over the secure HTTPS (SSL, Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. That is the same technology that banks use to protect your data. So it's not possible for a third party to read it. In addition, we keep your payment data, personal and call records confidential.

Are there any cancellation fees?

We're not really sure who would want to cancel in the first place, but to answer the question no!

How do I clear my Calling History?

To clear your Call History simply contact us via support ticket, and we will clear your call history within 24 hours.

How do I delete my account?

To permanently delete your account contact us at [email protected] or click on Contact Us at the bottom of the website. Please keep in mind that you won't be able to reactivate your account after it's been deleted and copies of some material (example: call records) may remain in our database but are disassociated from personal identifiers.

What other services does Mockcall offer?

Our research and development team is continually coming out with incredible new features, but they can custom configure just about anything you want your phone to do. Feel free to tell us your needs or ideas and we will do our best to see what we can do.

Is Mockcall for me?

If you use a mobile, then it's for you! Whether for business or pleasure, luxury or necessity, Mockcall has everything you've been looking for!

My account has been suspended. What do I do?

If your account has been suspended and you are unaware of what the reason is for the suspension, you may contact us by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the page, or by sending us an email at [email protected]

I think my account has been hacked.

Check your email account for a message from Mockcall. If you received an email from Mockcall letting you know that your email address was changed, you may be able to undo this by using the revert this change option in that message. If additional information was also changed (example: your password), and you're unable to change back your email address, please report the account to us at [email protected].